The DGHWi has a broad network in the fields of health policy and midwifery science. As a result, its members are well informed and can participate in current discourse. Low-level participation in DGHWi sections and exclusive events offer members the opportunity to network, exchange ideas and benefit from collaboration with other members.
Productive collaboration and the development of scientific and practical midwifery work is promoted by cooperation between student midwives, with practicing midwives, those involved in research, and teaching, in sections and working groups, at workshops and conferences and through collective work on statements and position papers.
Advantages of a membership
Always well informed
Members receive the ZHWi print version free of charge. Cheaper translation rates for original articles from German into English.
Well connected
Members can participate in DGHWi events at a reduced rate. There are also exclusive events offered to DGHWi members.
Relevant content
DGHWi members have the opportunity to comment on scientific and health policy issues.
DGHWi members can participate in discourse on health policy and midwifery science via mandates, sections and working groups (the latter two being reserved for DGHWi members).
Always practice-orientated
Members can establish contacts for their professional and scientific development through the DGHWi network. Moreover, current midwifery science findings can be incorporated into practice and teaching. Research projects and results can be disseminated to the professional community via the DGHWi.
Interested? Become a member too!
Every member counts - together we can strengthen our profession.
The DGHWi consists of full members, supporting members and honorary members. What they have in common is an interest in further developing midwifery science.
Full membership
- reduced: 100 €
- students: 55 €
- (The reduced or joint membership amount is reported informally to the treasurer annually between January 1. and February 28.)
Supporting membership
- (for natural or legal persons without voting and election right)
- Legal entities (e.g. associations, foundations) are welcome as supporting members! According to the statutes, they cannot become full members of the DGHWi. However, individuals (natural persons) can also apply for supporting membership.
You can become a full member if
- your field of activity includes midwifery science, nursing science and/or health science teaching or research
- you are a student on a relevant degree programme
- you are a midwife or
- you are still in training to become a midwife
- you are a scientist or
- a student of other disciplines or
- just want to support the aims of the DGHWi
Joining and payments
The contribution year is the period between January 1. and December 31. of each year. The applicable annual membership fee is due by March 31 of each membership year.
If you join in the last quarter of a year, you must pay € 10 for each month of membership (€ 5 for reduced membership) as an ordinary member and € 15 as a supporting member.
The membership fee must be paid no later than 4 weeks after confirmation of membership by the DGHWi office.